2008年3月5日 星期三

Auto Negotiation

10BASE-T : link integrity test (LIT) or normal link pulses (NLP) in Autonegotiation.
These pulses are sent by a device when it is not sending or receiving any data.
positive-only electrical pulses of a duration of 100 ns, generated at intervals of 16 ms.
neither a packet nor one of the pulses are received for 50-150 ms A device detects the failure of the link.

Autonegotiation : fast link pulse (FLP) , 33 pulses, unipolar, positive-only, and of the duration of 100 ns.
17 pulses at distance 125 µs represents clock. in the middle of each set of two consecutive pulses may be 1 or 0 which represents information. 16 1 or 0 represents a word of 16 bits called link code word (LCW) or page. First bit is sent first.

FLP is not recognized as a valid normal link pulse. a 10BASE-T device receiving it from an autonegotiation device will detect a failure of the link.
the 10BASE-T device keeps sending normal link pulses or transmitting packets. The autonegotiation device, upon receiving them, switches to 10BASE-T half-duplex mode then .

link code word formates:
0–4: selector field: EEE 802.3 and IEEE 802.9
5–12: technology ability field (bit 0 ~ bit 7)
  • bit 0: device supports 10BASE-T
  • bit 1: device supports 10BASE-T in full duplex
  • bit 2: device supports 100BASE-TX
  • bit 3: device supports 100BASE-TX in full duplex
  • bit 4: device supports 100BASE-T4
  • bit 5: pause
  • bit 6: asymmetric pause for full duplex
  • bit 7: reserved
13: remote fault, 1 to indicate a link failure device detected
14: acknowledgment: three identical base code words detected, then set this bit to 1 to indicate the correct reception
15: next page: 1 to indicate indicate the intention of sending other link code words after the base link code word;

The first of 3 link code word which is called base link code word( or first page).
10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX and 100BASE-T4 is detected in first page and for 100M only base page is enough.
Upon receiving these three identical copies, the device sends a link code word with the acknowledge bit set to one from six times to eight times.

Giga bit ethernet: 3 pages is required.

The additional pages are of two kinds: message pages and unformatted pages.
first eleven bits are data, 12~14 indicates this page is message page or an unformatted page, 15 indicates if there's an additional page.

The 1000BASE-T :
1. first page
2. unformatted page - contains 10-bit word data, called a master-slave seed value.
3. message page - indicates supported modes and master-slave device as following items,
  • half duplex capability
  • whether the device is single port or multiport
  • whether master/slave is manually configured or not
  • whether the device is manually configured as master or slave
Priority ( 802.3-2002 )
  • 1000BASE-T full duplex
  • 1000BASE-T half duplex
  • 100BASE-T2 full duplex
  • 100BASE-TX full duplex
  • 100BASE-T2 half duplex
  • 100BASE-T4
  • 100BASE-TX half duplex
  • 10BASE-T full duplex
  • 10BASE-T half duplex

Duplex mismatch

When a device set to autonegotiation is connected to a device that is not using autonegotiation, the autonegotiation process fails. The autonegotiating end of the connection is still able to correctly detect the speed of the other end, but cannot detect the duplex mode. The standard requires the use of half duplex in these conditions. Therefore, the autonegotiating end of the connection uses half duplex while its peer is locked at full duplex, and this is a duplex mismatch.

568A + 568A 或 568B + 568B這是一般平行線的做法

568A + 568B 是跳線





大量中國技術人員希望到薪資和技術水準較高的日本就業;另一方面,日本國 內技術人員不足的問題日益嚴重,對外國技術人員的需求也日趨增強。不僅大公司,中等規模的公司也開始正式參與中國人才派遣業務,加速了日本國內的中國技術 人員派遣市場的擴大。

  專門從事技術人員派遣的Trust Tech(東京港區)將從4月份開始派遣從上海、大連等募集的電氣技術人員。在日本將被錄用為正式職員,派遣給汽車及電機廠商等。估計將以設計及開發業務為中心,每年派遣50多人


  Axis諮詢公司(東京千代田區)計劃于年內在中國成立招聘技術人員的辦事處。候選城市為北京、上海等。此前該公司曾通過與多家人才服務公司 簽約來網羅人才,今後則將通過該公司自行招聘構築穩定的人才供應體制。今後1年內,計劃派遣CAD(電腦輔助設計)技術人員150人

  日本最大的技術人員派遣公司明達科(Meitec)在大連等5個城市設立了技術人員培訓學校。教授日語、日本的商業習慣及技術等,學成後將派往日本國內企業。(3月1日 《日本經濟新聞》晨報)

2008年3月4日 星期二


如果對什麼事情都有意見, 有自己的想法, 是不是同時也阻礙了其他人所要表達的想法? 我喜歡聽聽看別人會怎麼做, 欣賞一下其他的人觀點, 有點旁觀而不介入的感覺,累積不同的經驗比較有趣。畢竟人永遠遇不完,這個世界永遠有新的事在發生,對於那些只想創造一個自己很安全的環境,對任何接近那個圈圈的人,只想要他也加入這個圈圈,我覺得有點無聊。

有太多好玩的事情, 好玩的想法, 我只想當一個旁觀者, 讓這些想法和事情經過, 只留下一些當做自己的原則, 但是不要拒絕去看新的事物和改變.

當別人沒有想法時, 也許是因為他沒有接觸過, 這件事情是完全陌生的! 分享一些自己對這件事情的做法給他聽吧!

2008年3月3日 星期一

an opening mind

Keeping an opening mind.